Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Getting old

You know, all the advice out there to stay healthy and exercise is a crock. I exercise more than anyone I know, I watch what I eat (right down to counting EVERY calorie I put in my body), and what do I get? Sprains, tears, colds, you name it. I pulled or tore my right calf two weeks ago dancing in church. I couldn't walk for three days and then it was sore for 3 more. I am finally going back out today to try and run 2 or 3 very slow miles. Luckily, I am not in training for any races right now.

Now, if I wasn't so active, maybe I wouldn't hurt myself, but I would be more overweight, probably borderline diabetic, and everything else. It seems like I can't win!

Well, out I go - the wind is blowing at about 30-40 mph right now and the temperature has dropped to 35 degrees. The price of health!

A bonfire to burn my running clothes!

1 comment:

Undomestic said...

Now you know you are NOT about to burn those clothes....unless of course you're replacing them!